مصيدة للحشرات الطائرة
Description :
Safe:contains no poisons or harmful chemicals
- Flies Magnet attractant is included in all traps.
- Empty bait into trap then add water.
- Attractant lures them in, they can’t escape and they drown
- Yellow color and lid designed to attract more flies.
- The baited system will last a long time exceeding two weeks Bait will attract a broad range of species, including house and blowflies.
- Bait is completely non-toxic and made of dehydrated food-grade products.
- Traps are reusable. Once filled with flies, dump contents, re-bait, add water, and do it again! Replacement baits are available.
- Safe around children, pets, and the environment.
Tips for Trapping Flies :
- The system will generally attract flies from a distance of 10 – 15 meters, depending on wind conditions.
- Add water to the trap if the solution gets below the fill line.
- Water is needed to Mdrown the trapped flies Flies like heat, light, and low wind.
- Place traps in sunny areas. If in an enclosed area such as a barn, place traps within 1.5 m of an electrical light.
- Flies search low for food sources. Traps are most effective when placed 1.5 m or less from ground level.
- Flies remain dormant until their body temperature reaches approximately.
- 18 degrees Cº. Do not expect much activity below this temperature.
- Bait is also reusable for a period of time. Remove dead flies from the liquid bait and add enough water to return the liquid bait level to fill line. Replace bait when you notice a marked decrease in the number of flies in the trap.